The most powerful hardware we built so far
The new top of the line offering from Sensofusion.
What is Airfence Max?
Airfence Max runs 64 CPU cores, 256GB RAM, 49 152 GPU cores, 72Gb GPU RAM. We increased Radio bandwidth by more than 10x input/output.
In short it is a beast.
All this to run our most advanced, and battle proven CUAS software that detects, classifies, understands different protocols, opens encrypted transmissions.
Edge computing, our take
Airfence Max runs LLMs within the device.
With advanced AI, Airfence becomes capable of building custom radio payloads independently, performing various sigint tasks such as identifying and classifying unknown radio transmissions, and performing completely autonomous complex countermeasures.
This enables our customers to perform very detailed tactics and execute detailed decision making in milliseconds.
Robust, and battle proven software
Airfence Core Software has been developed, tested and shipped since 2016. While it has cutting edge functionalities it is simultaneously mature, and stable.
Customers are able to augment Airfence’s core functionalities with Airfence SDK. You can execute your own code directly in Airfence, and thus augment the capabilities for your own mission.
Pre-qualify to purchase Airfence.
To hear more about our technology and capabilities, please contact us using your official email address. Please note that we do not operate with organizations facing EU sanctions.